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September 2019 Core Update

On September 24, 2019, Google released its September 2019 Core Update, which aimed to improve the relevance and quality of search engine results. The update focused on understanding the intent behind search queries and providing users with more accurate and informative search results.

Website owners noticed significant changes in their search engine rankings, with some experiencing a decrease in traffic and others seeing an increase. Google stated that the update was not targeting any specific type of website or content, but rather focused on improving the overall quality of search engine results.


The September 2019 Core Update serves as a reminder of the importance of providing high-quality, relevant content that meets the needs of users. Website owners should focus on creating content that provides value to their target audience, as well as providing a positive user experience.

While changes to search engine rankings can be frustrating, it is important to remember that fluctuations are normal and can occur for a variety of reasons. By focusing on providing value to their users and staying up to date with the latest changes to Google’s algorithm, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their website.

Want to know information about Google updates? Have you lost traffic following a Google update? Need specialist advice regarding digital marketing or SEO? Or are you looking for web development services? Contact our team at Thule Media.



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